Welcome to financial consulting


I am Marc Zimmermann, the managing director of ImFiVe.


ImFiVe means in translation:

Real-Estate + Financing + Insurance 


This three matters should be connected to each other to give the best performancce to you! 


We offer you discreet, professional and transparent adcive on your finanicing questions for private and capital investments.


I would be pleased to work out your personal solution together with you. That means: individually taylored to your needs.


Please fill in your contact details below and leave a message.


We will contact you as soon as possible to arrange an appointment.

about my driving fire...


Financial advice with heart


I don't just want to sell you a financial product. I want you to get what you have perhaps wanted for a long time:

a home of your own for you and your family or  a property as investment and the best protection for the things that are close to your heart.


To make this dream come true, you need someone who not only knows how the financial market works, but also understands what is important to you and what exactly you want to achieve. And this is exactly where I come in.


Honest, simple and effective


I am passionate about developing the best financial strategy to fulfill your wishes as soon as possible.

And I'll answer any questions you have about your concerns, no matter how many there are because I want the best the financial market has to offer for you.


And don't worry! You don't have to sift through endless columns of figures or laboriously wade through small print. I will take care of all this for you with my knowledge from over 20 years of financial advice: from preparing your documents, researching and negotiating interest rates with the bank to successfully closing the deal.


I won't tell you any financial fairy tales, but will give you honest feedback and a realistic assessment. This is the quickest way to realize your dream of owning or renting a home and to put together a suitable insurance package for your assets.


Competent, powerful and clear


Sound financial advice not only saves you a lot of time, but also a lot of money and nerves. I will show you how to do this and how to make a decision that you will still be happy with in twenty years' time.


What financial dream would you like to realize?

A home of your own? A crisis-proof investment or optimal insurance cover?


Whatever it is, I will accompany you with passion, expertise and commitment until you have achieved your goal. The best time to start is right now, so just give me a call or write to me.


Let´s talk about your wish now!

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